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Georgia Floors Direct

Low Price Promise

Large Inventory of Flooring in Montgomery, AL

We are conveniently located in Montgomery, AL,  at 1965 Eastern Blvd. across from Lowes and has been a flooring destination since 1969. Georgia Floors Direct offers the best prices on the largest inventory in the river region on every type of flooring.

Short and long term financing options are always available with approved credit.

Hard Surface Flooring
Custom Area Rugs
Window Coverings

Why Georgia Floors?

Beautiful Floors Direct from the Mills

Hundreds of rolls and thousands of square feet in stock and ready for your home or business today.

Low Price Promise

Carpet, vinyl, hardwood, laminate, ceramic tiles, custom area rugs, and more! You will not find a better value anywhere!

Installation Done Right the First Time

Experienced installers will measure your space at your convenience to make sure it’s a perfect fit. Don’t pay for too much, and don’t end up with not enough. All sales are fully backed by GFD Assurance Warranties.

We Save You Time and Money

And that’s exactly why this location has remained central Alabama’s leading destination for flooring since 1969.

Best People, Best Service

Highly trained, caring professionals will help you make the right choice from the latest brand name styles, fashions, and product advancements.

Low Prices Everyday

Get honest pricing when you shop with us. Instead of having regular “frequent sales” that offer “discounts” on elevated retail prices, our prices are consistently low so you can be sure that you are getting a fair and honest deal every day.

Consistently Low Prices
from Brands You Can Trust